The Power of Intention

Hi Beautiful!

In this article, I talk about the POWER of INTENTION.   Desires are of the Father and it is important for you to trust them; however, it is so important for you to shift that Desire to an Intention.

Continue reading to find out:

  • 1)  VIDEO: Intention Why You Need to Do It Now
  • 2)  Desire vs. Intention
  • 3)  How to Move from Desire to Intention
  • 4)  The Manifesting Sweet Spot
  • 5)  Journal Prompt to Move from Desire to Intention


VIDEO: Live Your Best Life N.O.W

In Video 6 of the Live Your Best Life N.O.W Series, “What is Intention & Why it is Important” expect to learn about:


If you are looking to take your Manifesting to the Next Level and actually begin to see momentum gained and actualizations of what you want in your life, you want to watch this video.

Desire vs. Intention




The word Desire means “of the Sire” or in other words “of the Creator.”    Your Desires are Safe Guidance.”  Your desires within your Soul are DIVINE.  It is time for you to be honest with yourself about what you TRULY TRULY want.

Desires are great and most Law of Attraction teachings focus heavily on your desire and the being in the end result of having that desire.  But a desire is just that…a desire.

It is important to connect with and be clear on what you desire, however, it is most important to shift that desire to an intention.

To read more about Desires and how to Tap into them read



For example, say you desire a successful business.  You can desire this all day every day but just desiring it will not build your business.


So you feel a desire in your heart to do something…that familiar tug in your heart to do, be or have something.    TRUST IT.  Allow it to flow and trust that it wouldn’t be there if there wasn’t your HigherSelf telling you it was time to step into RECEIVING THIS.

Now is time to GET CLARITY on your desire.   Tap into what you truly want. 

Ask yourself:

  • What do you really want?
  • What does this look like once you have it?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What feeling is most prominent?
  • What are you hearing?
  • What are you seeing?


Next, Intend that you are going to have this.  Set an intention that this DESIRE is FOR YOU and that you are ready to TAKE ACTION to allow yourself to RECEIVE whatever this DESIRE is.


Then DECIDE (Step 2 of my Manifesting Formula) that this DESIRE is DONE & DONE.  Your decision shifts your desire from just a wish or a daydream to something that you have intended on experiencing. 

Deciding is important because it flips the switch.  There is magic in deciding that what you asked for with clarity is yours.  When you decide you are saying YES to the Universe. You are saying Yes, Yes, Yes.  By deciding, you are showing the Universe that you are ready.


Finally, Take Inspired action based on the intention you set forth and what you decided is done.   When you really get clear about what you desire, you can tap into the energy of ALREADY HAVING IT.  When you do this, you get INSPIRED with things to do, places to go, people to meet.   

When you get inspired, TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY.

If you feel at a loss of what to do, that is ok.  Continue to tap into the energy of the woman who already HAS what you desire.  You can do this by Journaling and Visualizing the END RESULT.  Then ask for Guidance for what your next steps are.

For guidance on how to listen to your intuition go HERE:

To allow something to unfold into your reality, you have to shift from wanting it to KNOWING that IT IS YOURS.   When you Intend that you are doing something, you are deciding that it is yours. You know that it is Inevitable.  You remove the want of it and desire to have it and shift to knowing it is yours.

When you move your Desire to Intention and then Decide it is Yours, you open yourself up to receive guidance and take Inspired AlignedSoul Action.

The Manifesting Sweet Spot


Before you begin acting, it is important to know that the SWEET SPOT occurs when you can get your Soul + your Mind aligned with your Desire+Intention/Decision.

By ensuring that your desire is flowing from your soul and then intending +deciding (mind) you reach a point where your soul (also known as your heart) and your mind are connected and moving in sync.

Your Heart Electromagnetic Field is 5000 times stronger than that of the Brain.  

So no matter how amazing your brain is your heart is way more powerful. Therefore, you want to ensure that you are connecting your true Soul’s Desires you can know you are on the right track.

How to Get Your Mind On Board?

Whatever lights you up is a desire coming from your soul.  The desires that come from within and cause you to be in a loving and positive state, those are the desires that connect to your heart.   It is necessary for you to get your Mind on board with your Heart with Intention and Decision.  


When you have become clear about your desire, set an intention and decided that it is done and done, do the following:

  • Connect to my heart
  • Ask for guidance as to the next step
  • Create a list of actions to do to move close to my Intended Result.  

Do this all with the understanding that the How isn’t your job and that you are completely open to it being this or something way better.  Remember it could occur completely opposite of what you are beginning to take action on.

These small steps and actions towards what you have decided are done allows the universe to send all of the cooperative components onto your path and provides you choices along the way to allow your manifestation to unfold into your life.  

When you set Intentions from the energy of your soul, you can more easily connect with your Intuition and Listen and Take Inspired Action.


Connecting back to your present moment can be as easy as taking the following steps:

  • Without judging how you feel as bad or wrong, take a moment to just BE.
  • Place your hands on your heart
  • Direct your focus on your heart.  Where your attention goes, energy flows.  Focus on your heart for 60 seconds
  • Breathe deeply for 60 seconds while focused on your heart.  You can picture your breath flowing in and out of your heart.
  • For the next 60 seconds start to focus on one thing you are grateful for in this moment.  Fiercely focus on this one thing. It doesn’t matter what it is. It can be anything including your pet, the home you live in, your child, your lover or anything that you deeply, deeply appreciate having in your life. Whatever you choose, make sure you deeply appreciate it and you can focus on it for 60 seconds.
  • For another 60 seconds, continue to focus on gratitude.  Say or think over and over Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.  Feel this gratitude throughout your heart.
  • For the final 60 seconds focus on radiating this feeling throughout your body.  From your heart to all cells in your body. Then focus this energy outside of your body.  Picture this appreciation overflowing from your body and aura to space outside of you, filling up the room or car or park and then filling up your neighborhood, city and then the earth until you have expanded it out to the entire universe.
  • Notice the shift in your energy and be thankful.

By spending this 5 minute period connecting back to your heart, you align the energy of your HEART and your MIND so that they can now work together.

Heart and Brain working together is a powerful powerful thing.

When you have connected your heart and brain, your entire body is working synergistically and you have more clarity, better focus, increased higher emotional frequencies (think love, joy, appreciation, passion, etc)  and you are more AWARE.

Awareness is the key to your transformation

How can you tell if you Head and Heart are not aligned?

Your Emotional State.  If your Soul isn’t aligned with your Head you will manifest low energy, feeling of stuckness, frustration, sadness or depression.  You will be making all the moves but you won’t see any real movement or you will see yourself moving forward but you won’t feel good about it.


Activate the SWEET SPOT of Manifestation by aligning your Soul + Mind.

  • Connect with Your Soul/Heart Energy and Act from the vibration of being the YOU who already has what you desire — The Parallel Reality You.  
  • Set Intentions from this energy you can easily connect with your Intuition and Listen and Take Inspired Action.  

Doing this throughout the day is how you Manifest what you desire.  

Tell Me => What intentions are you setting today?

Journal Exercise

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PROMPT 1Get Clarity: What do you really want?

  • What does this look like once you have it?

  • What does it feel like?

  • What are the three (3) key feelings you feel once it is yours?

  • What feeling is most prominent?

  • What are you hearing?

  • What are you seeing?

PROMPT 2What do you INTEND going forward?

  • Get Specific

PROMPT 3What do you now DECIDE is DONE?

  • Create an Affirmation in the PRESENT TENSE

  • Write 5 things you are Grateful for Now that you HAVE this.

PROMPT 4: What AlignedSoul Action should you take TODAY?

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today

Categories: : Manifestation



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