Focus, Surrender, Do You (Your Soul) Series: Part 2 – Surrender is the Key to Manifesting
In this article, I talk about one of the most important factors in manifesting what you want. This 3 part series focuses on one of the most hated Bachelors (which is totally unwarranted in my opinion) Arie Luyendyk.
Here is Part 2.
For those of you unfamiliar with the show (who are you??) The Bachelor, it is a show where the main suitor has 25-30 women that he dates and he slowly eliminates them until he has 2 left and then he proposes to the last one who is THE ONE. In this case, Arie was in love with the final two women.
Long story short, Arie fell in love with two women. He wanted to be with Lauren B, however, he proposed to Becca K. However, after a few weeks of mourning that loss he breaks up with Becca and goes back to Lauren.
In this 3 article series, we will go behind the ENERGETICS of the Situation. This is where the fun starts and where you can learn how reduce the DRAMA in your life and shift to co-creating what you REALLY WANT and NOT what you DON’T WANT.
Part 2: Surrender: How to get your ex back: I will show you how letting go played a BIG ROLE in Lauren and Arie reuniting. Spoiler Alert: Lauren and Arie are now married and about to have their first child. (YOU ARE HERE)
This article is all about Part 2: SURRENDER.
Find out:
Lauren B and Arie Luyendyk- the Bachelor had an electric connection. Their relationship was one of those “meant to be” #ofcourse type relationships. It was a deep connection that could be felt. The way he looked at her was the way you wished the man you love looked at you. He was drawn to her and she to him. The love was undeniable.
Lauren experienced pain and disappointment in her previous relationships. She kept focusing on Arie leaving and choosing the other woman (Becca K) and unfortunately, that is what happened. Arie ended up breaking up with Lauren and asking Becca K to marry him.
Absolutely heartbroken, Lauren returned home. For a while, she was healing and feeling all her feelz. Then eventually she started to connect with her family and think of other things. Her goal was to take her mind off of the situation and slowly get back to her life.
Want to know what happened?
Arie was on the other side of the Country and he couldn’t get Lauren off of his mind. He was upfront with Becca and even asked if he could call Lauren. Eventually, Arie contacted Lauren, and he realized that he had made a big mistake. He chose the wrong woman and he needed to right his wrong. He ended up breaking up with Becca on TV (we will talk about this more in Part 3). Arie flew to Lauren’s home and asked her if she would give him another chance.
After much thought, Lauren decided to take the chance and took Arie back. Now they are married with a little baby girl on the way.
Lauren LET GO.
She finally surrendered and opened space for The Universe to do its job.
Lauren let go of the resistance. Sure she surrendered because she truly thought there was no hope but her surrender is what allowed the space for Arie to return back into her life.
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These steps are focused on relationships but can be used for ANYTHING!
You are seeing that person as “out there” or super special. But I have news for you, they are your EQUAL. No more chasing. No more idolizing. You aren’t his or her fan. You are someone who is an IDEAL PARTNER.
It is time to REMOVE THE IMPORTANCE of having this person. Know that if it is mean to be it will most definitely BE once you follow these steps. You will attract this person or someone who is better than you could even imagine back once you shift your mindset. Believe that it is absolutely POSSIBLE for you to have the relationship you desire. You wouldn’t have the desire inside of you if it wasn’t possible.
This is where you feel your feelings. This is where you get to become aware of your beliefs. You get to shift those beliefs. You get to align them with those of someone who is in the relationship or business or whatever you desire. You can use this time to begin to know your worth and believe in your value.
Example Questions to Journal on:
1-Why didn’t I want this relationship to work? (because I didn’t want to get hurt again, etc etc)
2-Why wouldn’t I allow myself to have this relationship?
3-Why do I feel that It would be bad to have this relationship?
Tell Yourself the Truth. It is important to shine a light on what is really going on. Once you have awareness you can choose to shift it.
This is where loving yourself more comes in. You can’t expect someone else to love something you do not love. Start treating yourself more kindly. Start speaking to yourself in a gentler way.
Do nice things for yourself. Buy your own flowers. Go to dinner. Enjoy your life and the YOU that YOU ARE RIGHT NOW!
Begin by looking in the mirror and saying “I Love Myself.” This makes all the difference.
Start doing things that make you feel better. Allow yourself to enjoy your day. Smile when you see someone on the street. Dance, move. Moving stagnant energy will help you feel so much better.
As discussed in Part 1, in order to manifest anything in your life you have to align with the vibration of that thing, experience or situation.
Remember Vibration is made up of your Thoughts, Feelings, Intentions, Decisions and Actions.
What is the you that is in that relationship thinking, what is she feeling, what does she intend, what decisions does she make and what actions is she taking?
The way you vibrate in alignment with what you want is by 1) feeling the feelings, thinking the thoughts, taking the actions and making the same intentions and decisions of the you that already HAS IT!
Start thinking like a woman in love. Do you smile more? Smile NOW!
No waiting to be happy, Be Happy Now.
Stop focusing on when I get this relationship, I will dress up and look great… Dress Up and Look Great NOW.
No more waiting to be in love when you find the guy or girl, BE IN LOVE NOW. Be in Love with your life. Feel in love yourself. Fall in love with your business or your career. Feel in love with the Sun for shining. Fall in love with your great cup of coffee. There are so many opportunities for you to be in love all day. Take those opportunities and BECOME the LOVE YOU ARE NOW.
When you manifest your relationship, you believe that you will feel a certain way. You either think you will feel secure and loved. Or maybe you feel that you will feel adored and happy.
Whatever feelings you believe you will feel when you have whatever you desire, FEEL THEM NOW. Feel them OFTEN.
MANIFESTING TIP: Set an alarm to go off every few hours throughout the day with a reminder to feel whatever feeling you desire to feel most. Then feel that feeling for 90-120 seconds.
No more trying to be the perfect woman or girlfriend. That woman doesn’t exist.
Love all the weird and crazy parts of you. Be you, ask the questions you want to ask and be the woman you are.
Being anything other than who YOU WANT TO BE is going to attract the person who is loving who you are acting like and not who you truly are.
Arie came back to Lauren when she let go. She finally released that fear and resistance she built up and accepted what was. She took her mind off of the situation and moved on with her life.
Let go of the desperation. Remember you are BEING the woman who ALREADY HAS the LOVE.
Think of it this way, have you noticed that all of the women with loving relationships always attract the guys, Why? Because they are aligned with the energy of love…being in love and loving someone. These women are confident and they have NO DESPERATE ENERGY ANYWHERE IN THEIR FIELDS. They don’t need these guys to talk to them so they are confident.
Be that woman. The woman (or man) who is confident in what you have to offer. Who knows she is worth all the love.
Surrender to it being this person you want or SOMEONE WAY BETTER than you could have ever expected.
Live your Life. Have fun. Do You!!
Don’t get scared when I say this person or SOMEONE WAY BETTER. In my experience, I have seen that it often times results in the previous lover returning. This is because there is history and energy that has been built up and bonds that have been formed.
However, so many times the person who wanted that person becomes so confident in themselves and who they are and what they want, that they sometimes do not take the person back.
Other times it works out better than the person could have ever imagined.
Remember: Everything is a MIRROR. It mirrors back to you what you have going on inside. When you shift and change inside, external situations reflect these changes back to you.
Awareness is EVERYTHING. Just becoming aware of whatever it is allows you to CHOOSE something different. It is all in the DECISION. If you are creating drama in an area of your life, you can acknowledge it and choose whether or not you want to continue.
Like we did in Part 1: FOCUS and Part 2: SURRENDER, I will go behind the ENERGETICS of why Arie is so hated and why it has more to do with YOU and NOT HIM.
Part 2: I showed you how letting goes played a BIG ROLE in Lauren and Arie reuniting. Lauren and Arie are now married and about to have their first child. And Becca is happily engaged to Garrett.
Until next time Remember your only job is to FEEL the FEELINGS, Be HER NOW and take AlignedSoul Action.
Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,
Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today
Categories: : Surrender
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