Your next step towards creating a total life of limitless possibilities, abundant success, and profound fulfillment.

manifestation :: healing :: energetics :: leadership :: wealth :: entrepreneurship

You are here because you are a force of nature and you refuse to settle for anything less than extraordinary in every area of your life - in love, in business, in spirituality, in health.  

Hello, phenomenal woman.

Yes, YOU. You're driven, ambitious, and unstoppable. You have built success upon success, yet you yearn for something more.

You're a leader, a visionary, a force of nature. AND you're not just here to climb the ranks or build an empire - you're here to live a fully enriched life, in every aspect, in every dimension.

I have created a unique, high-caliber PowerMind meticulously designed for a woman like you...the WOMAN who wants it all - love, intimacy, professional success, financial freedom, spiritual abundance, and robust physical health.

You are here, standing at the precipice of something truly transformative, because you are not a woman who accepts the status quo.

You are the Greatest Of All Time, The Best of the Best. You are a trailblazer, a visionary, a woman who has already tasted success and is now hungry for something even more profound.

Welcome to The Riff Experience PowerMind, a carefully crafted sanctuary to help you 10x in every area of your life.  This is for women like you who dare to want it all.

Does any of the following sound like you?

  • You've built a successful career or business, but you feel like there's still untapped potential within you. 
  • You yearn for deeper connections, more intimacy, and greater love in your relationships. 
  • You desire to live a life not just of financial abundance, but of spiritual richness, vibrant health, and boundless joy
  • You're ready to delve deeper into your personal growth, to uncover and embrace the full expanse of who you truly are.
  • You're passionate about personal growth and you feel a need for a structured, comprehensive approach to truly unlock your potential.
  • You're respected as a leader, but you're ready to evolve into a role model, a visionary, a change-maker who inspires and empowers others.
  • You've learned to navigate the shadows of your personality, but you're ready to delve deeper, to integrate these aspects of yourself, and to emerge as a more authentic, whole being.



  • 10x'ing in EVERY AREA of your life which looks like more financial abundance, increased love, increased impact and feeling more YOU than ever before. 
  • Stepping into a new level of leadership rooted in authenticity, courage, and vision. 
  • Cultivating relationships that are deeply fulfilling, filled with love, intimacy, and mutual growth. 
  • Unlocking new dimensions of wealth in your bank account, wellbeing, spirituality, personal development. 
  • Living each day with a sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment, knowing that you are living your best life.
  • Waking up each morning filled with an invincible energy, an infectious zest for life, knowing that you're on a path aligned with your deepest values and highest aspirations.
  • Effortlessly attracting and manifesting your desires, using the powerful energetics you've mastered, turning your dreams into your everyday reality.

👆🏾This is awaiting you within The Riff Experience PowerMind.

I created The Riff Experience PowerMind™ to hold you, support you and help to 10x in every area of your life by activating the whole of you. 

When I say 10x I am talking about YOU quantum leaping in every area of your life and living the life you were born to live.

I see you. I see your strength, your ambition, your relentless desire for more...more growth, more depth, more fulfillment.

I see your yearning to be not just a successful woman, but a whole, vibrant, multi-dimensional being.

 I know this yearning because I've felt it. I've walked the path you're walking. I've faced the challenges you're facing. I've celebrated the successes you're celebrating. I am you.

Throughout my journey, I've come to realize that success isn't just about what we achieve externally.

It's about who we become internally. It's about the richness of our relationships, the depth of our personal growth, the vibrancy of our health, the fulfillment of our spirituality.

As a woman who has created an extraordinary life, I felt a deep calling to support other you on your journey. To hold space for your growth, your transformation, your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

In The Riff Experience, I bring together my unique skills as a space holder, my deep understanding of energetics, and my array of practical, tangible tools to support you in your transformation.

RE is a pathway to transformation. To activating the whole of you. To unlocking your full potential. To creating a life that's as extraordinary as you are.

You're here because you know there's more. And I'm here to guide you, to support you, to celebrate you as you uncover that 'more'. As you step into your power. As you create your extraordinary life.

Together, let's embark on this journey. Let's unleash your full potential. Let's create magic.

You were born to live each day not just as a successful woman, but as a woman of impact, creating ripples of change in your personal sphere and beyond

In The Riff Experience PowerMind You will...

Become The Best Version of Yourself

In The Riff Experience PowerMind, we are not just about reaching new heights in your career or business. We're about reaching new depths within yourself. We're about cultivating a life of richness, not just in your bank account, but in your relationships, your personal growth, your spiritual journey, and your wellbeing.

Experience High Impact Coaching

Be seen. Be heard. Be coached. Our hot seat coaching is not for the faint-hearted. We delve into the nitty-gritty, shining a spotlight on your strengths and your areas for growth. Our world-class coaches are here to push you, support you, and celebrate you as you navigate your journey.

Invest In Your Whole Self

With The Riff Experience, your investment goes beyond financial. You're investing in your personal growth, your leadership potential, your relationships, and your overall well-being. You're investing in yourself - the most valuable asset you have.

Let Go & Expand

Within Riff, you will learn to LET GO of the things that are holding you where you are.  You will learn to DO LESS and RECEIVE MORE.  You'll tap into the RIGHT things to do and the BEST things that contribute to your next 10x LEVEL and then the next 10x LEVEL as you RISE and continue RISING.

Immerse Yourself in Deep Embodiment

Our curriculum is as ambitious as you are, covering areas like manifestation, energetics, strategy, quantum thinking, healing, shadow work, and alchemy. Our content is in-depth, hands-on, and, most importantly, actionable. With monthly deep-dives, teaching sessions, and group exercises, you'll be challenged, inspired, and transformed.

Enjoy An Enriching, Supportive Community

Step into our exclusive community. A safe space for leaders like you to connect, collaborate, and grow together. Share your wins, your challenges, your insights, and your journey with like-minded women. This is your tribe, your network, your sisterhood.

The Riff Experience PowerMind is a movement. It's a commitment to living a 10x life of depth, purpose, and excellence. It's about embracing the woman you are and becoming the woman you want to be.

The Riff Experience PowerMind is a holistic approach to personal and professional growth. 

It is meticulously designed to nurture every aspect of your being - your mind, your body, your spirit, your relationships, your career.


  • Unearth deep wisdom through our comprehensive curriculum, covering manifestation, energetics, quantum thinking, healing, shadow work, and alchemy.
  • Experience powerful activations and transmissions that will shift your energy, elevate your consciousness, and propel you into action.
  • Step into the hot seat receiving personalized feedback and guidance.
  • Be part of a dynamic, supportive community of like-minded women, sharing your journey of growth, transformation, and success.

What is included The Riff Experience PowerMind™?


High Level Mentoring
- Monthly Laser Coaching
- Coaching pods where you have access to me and the power mind for support
- Ask Me Anything

While you are apart of The Riff Experience you receive access to over $20K worth of:
- All new programs
- All new masterclasses
- All new workshops
Does not include private mentoring

We have created a space for connection, collaboration, sharing, riffing, uplevel riffing, early access to special rates to all The AlignedSoul

- Riff Pods where you get to riff daily and be seeing in your BIGNESS by a group of supportive like-minded souls and receive periodic uplevel riffs from me heightening the emotion within

You get access to these EXISITING Programs & many more


Magic Money

Feminine Energetics of Manifesting Money


Quantum Queen

Bend Circumstances and Time to Your Will


The #OfCourse Vibe

Shattering the Pedestal & Embracing OfCourse


The Alchemist

Manifest Using the Dark, Light and Everything



Embodying Devotion to Self & Welcoming Love



The Gateway to Becoming Your Most Expanded Version of You

Invest in yourself. In your growth. In your potential. In your dreams. Because you deserve to live a life that's as extraordinary as you are.

Look at what people experience in my containers

  • Manifesting multi-6 figure sales of businesses
  • Rapidly Meeting the love of their life after a devastating ending of a long term relationship.
  • Embodying more confidence a massive increase in sales
  • Waking up pure joy to be alive
  • Feeling happier than ever before.
  • Making more money in one month than previously made in a year
  • Effortlessly signing clients, new customers or vendors.
  • Winning the role of a lifetime
  • $10, $20, $40K, $50K, $102K and more days, weeks and months
  • Having clarity and trust decisions

This is what is possible within The Riff Experience.

Quantum expansion happens with Integration & Embodiment.

The Riff Experience PowerMind is not just a program. It's a journey. It's an adventure. It's your next step towards creating a life of limitless possibilities, abundant success, and profound fulfillment.

The Riff Experience is here to HOLD you as you BECOME all you were meant to while Integrating the WHOLE of YOU.

Be Witnessed In Your Greatness



$497 USD

per month

Yes! Take My Money

Client  LOVE 

When I say my clients have experienced amazing results... see just a few of their comments below....

LaurA got confident & began to own her own voice

danielle went from quitting business to having her best financial months ever

JESSICA's life totally transformed and she manifested more love, connection and a move she desired for a long time.





PowerMind is a comprehensive membership program for ambitious, successful women who are looking to further their personal and professional growth. We provide high-quality content, expert coaching, and a supportive community to help you enhance all aspects of your life - from love and intimacy to business and finance.

The PowerMind membership is priced at $497 per month. This includes full access to all our resources, including coaching sessions, learning materials, and our exclusive community.

Our program covers a wide range of topics, including manifestation, energetics, strategy, quantum thinking, healing, shadow work, and alchemy. We also delve into leadership and business strategy, as well as personal topics like love, intimacy, spirituality, and health.

Yes, all our learning materials and resources are available for you to access at your convenience. However, we do encourage you to participate in our live coaching sessions and community events to get the most out of your membership.

The Riff Experience PowerMind is unique in its holistic approach to personal and professional growth. We're not just focused on one aspect of your life - we're committed to helping you enhance all aspects of your life. We also provide a level of depth, quality, and personalization that sets us apart from other programs.       

Our unique community is a place for members to connect, share, and support each other. You can ask questions, share your progress, celebrate your wins, and learn from other members. Our community is active, respectful, and supportive.

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time. However, we believe that consistency is key to personal and professional growth, so we encourage members to commit to the program for at least 3-6 months.

Got Questions?