After 20+ years as a Business Consultant and Marketing Executive, I thought when I left Corporate America to go full-time in my business that I would fly and be successful IMMEDIATELY. That is NOT what happened. I forgot what I knew and started looking at what everyone else in the industry was doing. I stopped being the genius at creation and strategy that I was my entire career and I became someone who tried everyone else's way EXCEPT my own.
This resulted in me filing for bankruptcy and needing to start all over from scratch to reset, regroup, and do what I REALLY WANTED ALL ALONG. I have now created a muti-6-figure brand, have coached over 16,500 clients in over 80 countries all over the world and continue to grow year over year.
It wasn't until I surrounded myself with women who had BIG DREAMS like me and who also pushed me out of my comfort zone that I began to step into the unlimited potential that was always within me.
I created LEGEND Mastermind because the women in my world are LEGENDS. I want to save you both TIME and MONEY of making the same mistakes trying to be like everyone else and not yourself. I am ready to show you want it takes to create a business that is fulfilling to your soul, fun AF and makes you money every single day.
In LEGEND Mastermind, you will BE the LEADER and LIVE your MOST EXPANDED life BEFORE the evidence shows itself.
I am the mentor for you if you are ready for:
A no-nonsense GUIDE who will give you flip-flop slaps of love when you forget you are UNSTOPPABLE.
I challenge you to SPEAK your TRUTH.
I push you BEYOND your EDGE.
I shine a light on any blind spots.
I get into your business, walking through life with you and helping you be the LEADER and LEGEND you were placed here to be.
When people enter my world, they create total lives that reflect their DREAMS using the WOO and the DO.
You are here because you KNOW now is the time for you to elevate to your next level & are ready to stop figuring it out alone and rise in a group of women with BIG visions making BIG MOVES & taking up space.
1️⃣ Create the VISION beyond the VISION that aligns with your highest and most expansive timeline and collapse time to bring this into being.
2️⃣ Set Up your Business to Support the Expanded Vision & create Monthly Recurring Revenue that keeps your bank account full and your life feeling like the best movie you have ever seen.
3️⃣ Create EPIC Content that calls in the clients you desire over and over again without convincing, overcoming objections or needing to jump through 692 hoops
4️⃣ Uplevel Leadership to LEGEND Level and become known in your industry and life for the movement you have created within your business and life.
5️⃣ Raise Energetic Mastery and Emotional + Physical Capacity so you can have the most relaxed and regulated lifestyle while upleveling & expanding beyond your edges and doing things you never thought you could do
6️⃣ Embody your Work, your Vision, and your highest timeline so that you can move BIGGER, dream BIGGER, and hold yourself to higher stronger standards than ever before.
7️⃣ Showcase your GENIUS, Connect with likeminded POWERHOUSE LEGENDS, Have FUN and CELEBRATE everything
6 Total Private Calls
- two (2) 60 minute Deep Dive Sessions
- four (4) 30 Minute Private Calls
Group Mastermind Support
- 3 Monthly Coaching Sessions/Workshops about Marketing, Sales, Quantum Manifestation and Energetics (on Tues or Wed between 11am-1pm ET)
- Periodic Guest Experts in Marketing, Copy and Money/Finance
- Copy Reviews
- Private Telegram Group & Private FB Community for Masterminding, Connection, Celebration, Support and Community
Access to Queens Court
Receive the entire The AlignedSoul Netflix, All NEW Premium courses (including The BE* Collective Membership), the Queens Court HIVE telegram group, and any access to whatever I launch (not including short-term masterminds) while in LEGEND.
LEGEND Retreat (optional)
- Special Priced Group In-Person Experience where you will connect with Me & Your Mastermind Sisters and work with me in person
Revenue share on a mastermind are you crazy?
That’s what I was asked the other day by a very successful colleague who knows LEGEND Mastermind could be priced at 4x the base rate for the impact it will make on my clients' businesses.
You know what?
You don’t have the success I’ve had over my 20-year executive career and 10+ years as an entrepreneur without being a little crazy. All of my clients are the 1% of the 1% crazy who take risks and as my mentor says eat fear for breakfast
So am I crazy for this?
And when I was in the consulting world several of my engagements were based on a base fee rate + % of revenue. Why? Because we knew what we did worked.
As I was driving my Tessie and contemplating what I wanted LEGEND Mastermind to be, it came to me:
- High touch + Close proximity Private Mastermind + 1:1 Hybrid
- My eyes on your content
- My energy work, and energetic brilliance helping you expand into your LEGEND
- My hands on your brand Maximizing all your brilliance And helping you 10x your revenue
And because I know the sky is not even a limit I decided not to cap what this mastermind generates for you or me. LEGEND Mastermind is creating millionaires from the inside out with all the Woo-ey Do-ey goodness AND dialed-in HIGH-LEVEL Strategy.
When I say my clients have experienced amazing results... see just a few of their comments below....
When I say my clients had epic experiences in see just a few of their comments below....