How to Improve Visualization

Hi Gorgeous Soul!

In this article I am sharing with you some helpful tips that will sharpen your visualising skills 
and have you manifesting what you want.  Do this if your visualization skills suck or if you 
just want an easier way to visualize.

The first tool everyone tells you to use when you start on this Intentional Manifestation Journey is Visualization.  

But if you are like me, your attention span isn’t very attentive. You live in a world where instant gratification is now the norm.  

From amazon delivering packages on the same day to having every question you have answered by the click of a button.

Visualizing Fail

I have been in the Intentional Manifestation Game for a very very long time. 
The one tool that has been preached over and over again was visualization. While I am a visual person and I learn visually, visualization has always been a challenge for me.

With every attempt I would go from visualizing myself in the act of having what I desire toremembering what I had to do that day or writing a grocery list or remembering something else not in anyway related to what I sat down to visualize.

I could meditate and focus with no problem but visualizing was no bueno for me despite all of my efforts.  The length of time didn’t matter. A 1 minute visualization was as weak as a 5 minute one.

The concept of linear time is an Illusion  

The thought that this moment in time is the only moment that exists is an illusion. All options and potential options exist right now.  

Think of it as mini parallel realities that all exist in this now moment.  The larger part of you (your soul) is not confined to one reality. Your Soul exists in all of these moments.

Desires are birthed from within you.  They are coming forth from the YOU who already is experiencing whatever it is that you want.

You live in a vibrational universe.  In this universe in order to manifest anything, you have to be in alignment with the vibrational energy of whatever it is you want to manifest. 

The only reason you are not experiencing it is because you aren’t on the same vibration as this thing you desire.

In order to begin living as this person who already is having, being or doing whatever you desire, you need to begin to vibrate on the same frequency.  

You do this by connecting with the feeling of having, being or doing whatever you want now.

Feeling it now is the key.

Why Visualization

Your brain cannot tell the difference between something that you have actually seen and something that you have visualized.  

Your brain’s visual cortex fires when you see something in your mind’s eye as it does when you see something in this 3D world.

When you can visualize having, being and doing what you want with your senses and emotions, your body begins to vibrate at the energetic level of what you desire.  

You begin to send signals out into the Universe and situations begin to align you with that parallel reality where you already have what you desire.

Things start to line up in your current world that allow for this to unfold.

This is why athletes sit and visualize their games before they play them.  When machines are connected to their bodies during visualization, their body is having the similar reactions 

as it would if they were actually playing the game physically.  This is the power of visualization. Visualizing what you want with strong emotion and including your senses allows you to be “in the game” and “play the part” now.  

By being HER in your now moment, you are in those moments in energetic alignment with whatever it is you want right then and there.

When this vibration becomes your energetic set point (your norm) is when you experience the having of whatever you desire in your 3D world.


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Focus On What You are Doing Right

I really really wanted to visualize correctly.  Because of this, I researched all the things. I was determined to improve and get better.  

It wasn’t until I decided to tap into what did work for me that I actually became better at visualization and was finally able to add it to my manifesting arsenal.

Instead of trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I focused on what was right.  

What did I do effortlessly and enjoy so much that could help me get a complete sensory experience of my desire?

After a bit of thought, I remember that for me the thing that I loved to do was writing. As a matter of fact, I love to incorporate feelings while I write.  

I thought about this and asked myself how could I combine my love for writing/journaling and visualization and make it a home-run for me.

Instead of forcing myself to sit and visualize scenarios out of the blue, I set myself up for success.  

I wrote my visualization out including all of the feelings and emotions and sensory aspects.

Subsequently, I took this written scene and recorded myself reading it aloud.  From there, I listened to this recording while visualizing and finally I could stay focused and visualize the scene, with emotion and through until the end.

Guess What? It Worked.

This worked for me because it combined my love for writing and created a way that I could 
remain focused during visualization and ensure that I was using my feeling plus my senses to 
make it feel REAL for me.

Are you more Visual Learner?  

Are you auditory?

Do you connect with the sound of your voice speaking more than the written word or visualizing?  

No worries. There is always a way that you can use what works for you to supercharge your manifestations.

So think about it.  What do you love?  

Can you imagine best hearing voices instead of seeing scenes?  

Do you enjoy writing?

Does hearing the sound of your voice get you tuned in and tapped into the feeling of a situation?

Whatever you enjoy, you can use this skill set to supercharge your visualizations and help you be, do and have whatever you want now.  

I created a guide “How to Visualize and Get Results”  This Step by Step Guide will show you How to Visualize with Feelings & Emotions & Speed Up your Manifestations so that you can finally get the results you desire.

When I followed the steps and only used a small amount of FOCUSED time (3-7 minutes) I really started to see results.   

With the Guide you get the worksheet that will help you follow each of the steps and get the completed Cheat Sheet where you get to see exactly how I use it to manifest what I want.


Get the Visualizing For Results 6 Step Guide with the Visualizing Cheat Sheet + the Cheat Sheet Example ONLY $9 (Regular $27)

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Get the Visualizing For Results 6 Step Guide with the Visualizing Cheat Sheet + the Cheat Sheet Example ONLY $9 (Regular $27)

Click the Picture Below to Get Your Download


The Decision Series

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The Decision Series

In Video 3 of the Decision series, I talk about using Visualization and Journaling to help you make a decision.  

Now that you have learned an easier way to Visualize, check this video out and use it the next time you have a choice to make.

You are going to Love Love Love this video.

Gift this Series:

  • Learn to Write Your Reality with the 5 Day Journal Manifesting Challenge.



Click HERE to Join The Manifesting Challenge

Leave a comment below => What is your biggest Visualizing Challenge?

Hugs, Kisses & all the Feelz,

Christine Michelle

Be Her Now | Take AlignedSoul™ Action Today


Categories: : Decide



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